A Parish Meeting took place on Monday 7th October 2024. Relevant papers may be downloaded from here.


The latest edition of the Village & Church News (our parish magazine) can be downloaded from here.





General information

Hunston is too small to warrant a Parish Council, so we have a Parish Meeting, as determined by the Local Government Act 1972.  
The Parish Meeting is only obliged to elect a Chairman, but we also encourage parishioners to act as Secretary and Treasurer. These posts are voluntary and unpaid. Various working groups are also convened from time to time, as needed.
By law, Parish Meetings must take place at least twice each year, and every parishioner is encouraged to attend; all may speak and those who are also registered Local Authority Electors may vote at the meetings.
Only those who are present at the meetings may vote - proxies are not legal. It is also illegal to hold Parish Meetings online.